The Role of Complex NLP in Transformers for Text Ranking
What is the name of the BOW-BERT paper?
The Role of Complex NLP in Transformers for Text Ranking?
What are the main contributions of the BOW-BERT paper?
- Show that sequence order does not play a strong role in reranking with a BERT cross encoder
- Explain why it can still outperform BOW approaches
BOW-BERT shows that perturbing query and document word order
does not strongly impact results
BOW-BERT removing positional embeddings leads to
small drop in MSMARCO performance
BOW-BERT still outperforms
- query-passage cross-attention
- richer embeddings that capture word meanings based on aggregated context regardless of the word order
BERT performance on GLUE tasks with shuffled input shows
contextual encodings must encode some semantics
This is a good, basic research paper into properties of cross-encoders for information retrieval reranking. It would be interesting to repeat the same experiments for Biencoder information retrieval architectures.