Prompt for Extraction? PAIE: Prompting Argument Interaction for
What is the name of the PAIE paper?
Prompt for Extraction? PAIE: Prompting Argument Interaction for Event Argument Extraction
- What are the main contributions of the PAIE paper?
- prompt tuning method for EAE
- Two main approaches for EAE include semantic role labeling and
question answering/text generation
- Semantic Role Labeling: Identify spans + classify their roles
Semantic Role labeling approaches for EAE have two basic steps:
identifying candidate spans and classifying their roles
- One disadvantage of QA based models for EAE is the need to
frame a separate question for each argument
- ex: NLI+ paper need to use multiple templates and forward passes through NLI model
- Generative methods can generate all at once:
- however current performance of these types of methods are not great
- What are the main goals of the PAIE paper?
- extract all arguments efficiently
- how to capture argument interactions in long text on the fly
- how can we leverage knowledge from
- EAE tasks can be framed on both the sentence and
document level
- some may require identifying antecedents of different arguments
- QA-based methods usually adopt the thresholding strategy which must be
manually tuned
- likelihood threshold for QA argument extraction answer
- The three main steps of the PAIE method are 1) prompt creation, 2) span selector decoding and 3)
span prediction
- prompt is generated from a series of queries
- prompted selector decoding: spans selected based on
- prompted span selection: selectors for start and end of optimal span
- PAIE feeds span and context into
BART backbone
- include special markers before and after trigger tokens
- PAIE span selector head uses
start and end token hidden representation as features
- can simultaneously score all roles by combing all k queries in one matrix multiply by the meta prediction head
PAIE main results on ACE and Wikievents
- Does worse than NLI+ paper on wikievents but seemingly better on ACE
doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2202.12109},
url = {},
author = {Ma, Yubo and Wang, Zehao and Cao, Yixin and Li, Mukai and Chen, Meiqi and Wang, Kun and Shao, Jing},
keywords = {Computation and Language (cs.CL), Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI), FOS: Computer and information sciences, FOS: Computer and information sciences},
title = {Prompt for Extraction? PAIE: Prompting Argument Interaction for Event Argument Extraction},
publisher = {arXiv},
year = {2022},
copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International}